Focus Assist does have a few more customizable options compared to the old Quiet Hours but it’s still able to do everything the original setting did.

About Focus Assist, Windows 10’s New Quiet Hours

Focus Assist is a primary setting on Windows 10 computers and tablets that lets users control the frequency and type of system notifications they get. Focus Assist can be turned on and off relatively quickly and there are three main options from which to choose.

Off: This disables Focus Assist completely and enables all notifications.Priority only: Enables notifications from a customizable list of contacts.Alarms only: Disables all notifications except for those associated with alarms.

How to Turn Focus Assist On or Off in Windows 10

How to Change Focus Assist’s Settings

Understanding Focus Assist Automatic Rules

Here’s what each of the Focus Assist Automatic rules mean. These are typically used for more advanced customization of your Quiet Hours and can only be changed within the Windows 10 Settings app. The top three options for Off, Priority only, and Alarms only are the same options you cycle through by clicking on the Focus Assist button within Action Center. You can choose to switch between each mode either on this screen in Settings or via Action Center. You can change the four settings under Automatic rules only on this screen and are used to customize your Focus Assist experience.

During these times: Click on this option to enable Focus Assist at a set time for every day of the week, every work day, or for only on weekends. For example, you can have Focus Assist automatically turn on between 9am and 5pm every work day. You will also be allowed to specify Priority only or Alarm only. When I’m duplicating my display: This option allows you to choose what happens with your notifications when you’re projecting your Windows 10 device’s display to another screen either by cable or a wireless connection. If you turn this off, then your Focus Assist settings when projecting will be the same as your regular settings. If you turn it on though, you can make it act differently. For example, you could turn this setting on and make it so only alarm notifications will display when projecting to another screen.

When I’m playing a game: Similar to the above setting, this one creates a separate preference for how you want Focus Assist to act on your Windows 10 device when playing a video game. Turn this setting off to have Focus Assist act the same way as usual or turn it on to choose what sort of notifications, if any, you want to interrupt your gaming.  When I’m at home: This setting uses your Windows 10 device’s GPS and internet connection to detect where you are so it can automatically change your Focus Assist settings. This can be useful if you take your computer to work and wish to receive notifications when in the office but don’t want to get anything when you’re at home and feel like relaxing. Turn this setting on to choose what level of notifications you do or don’t want to receive at home. Click on Change my home address to manually enter your address if you haven’t already.

What Does Priority Only Mean?

With Priority only enabled, all notifications will be hidden except for those involving contacts on your priority list. From the main Focus assist settings page, you can add contacts from the Windows 10 People app to your priority list by clicking on the Customize your priority list link.

What Does Alarms Only Mean?

Enabling Alarms will only disable all notifications except for those that activate when an alarm goes off. Alarms can be created from within the Windows 10 Alarms & Clock app.

Does Windows 10 Have a ‘Do Not Disturb’ Setting?

If you’re a user of Apple device such as the iPhone, you may be trying to find the Do Not Disturb option in Windows 10. Focus Assist is basically the same as Do Not Disturb but simply uses a different name to help differentiate Microsoft’s products and services from Apple’s.