How to Install an HDMI Switch Box

An HDMI switch box can allow you to plug several devices into your TV, monitor, or projector even if you only have one available HDMI port. To install an HDMI switch box, you’ll need the switch itself, one HDMI cable to connect the switch to your TV, and enough HDMI cables to connect the switch to each of your devices. For example, you would need three HDMI cables to connect a game console and a Blu-ray player to your TV through a switch box. Here’s how to install an HDMI switch box:

How Does an HDMI Switch Box Work?

An HDMI switch works by taking signals from several source devices and sending one at a time to a destination device even if the destination device only has one HDMI port. The sources can be game consoles, streaming devices, Blu-ray players, and other home theater devices that output audio and video through an HDMI connection. The destination device can be a television, monitor, projector, or anything that accepts audio and video through an HDMI connection. The HDMI inputs on a switch box are typically numbered or labeled with letters so that you can easily distinguish between them. Some switches operate with a physical button, and others are remote-controlled. Passive switches that don’t have to be plugged into power usually have physical switches, while switches that need to be plugged into power have remote controls. When you push a button or use a remote to select an input device on your HDMI switch, it connects that device to the HDMI output and sends the audio and video signals to your television. When you push the button again or select a different input with the remote, it switches from the first input to the second and sends the new signal to your television.

Does an HDMI Switcher Need Power?

Some HDMI switch boxes need power, and others don’t. Passive switches don’t need to be plugged into power, while active switches do. Passive switches are usually less expensive, smaller, and use physical buttons. Active switches can also have physical buttons, but many let you switch inputs with a remote. While passive switches do work without any external power source, they don’t always work as well as powered switches. Signal strength can become an issue, so the best results are usually obtained using the shortest HDMI cables possible when connecting a television with a passive switch. Active switches are less prone to issues like that, and you can use longer cables without connection problems.

Why Is My HDMI Switch Not Working?

If your HDMI switch isn’t working, it could be an issue with your source devices, your destination device, your HDMI cables, or the switch itself. Here are some common fixes to make your HDMI switch work: